Help with your order
How to order
Click on the "Add to basket" link next to each product to add it to your shopping basket. Once a product is in your shopping basket you may make adjustments to quantities of items you wish to buy. Your shopping basket may be viewed at any time by selecting "Basket" from the navigation at the top of each page.
We aim to display the prices and descriptions of our goods clearly and accurately, if you have any uncertainty please contact us.
How to pay
All transactions are conducted in euros.
- Online transactions
Go to the shopping basket, and press the "Pay now" button. You will be given the option to pay online where you will be taken to Stripe where you may enter you credit or debit card details securely and confidentially. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Solo, Maestro and Delta. A confirmation email will be sent to you when you have placed a successful order.
- Payment by post
If you prefer to send a cheque, you may use our on-line shopping basket to generate an order page for you to print and send to us. Send this with your payment to Phoenix Classics, cheques should be made payable to "Phoenix Lines".